I don’t know what to write about, but I’m going to write anyway

Fortune Jones
2 min readApr 15, 2022
Image by Daniel Thomas

I told myself that I am going to write for 90 minutes today and come hell or high water I was going to do this. I’m at a point in my life where communication is the very bain of my success and by all means, I am going to cultivate this skill.

I was on a Twitter thread yesterday and Dickie Bush, gave some great advice in his one-hour AMA (ask me anything) where he was asked the question, “what platform do you recommend I write?” while he responds that Twitter is the best platform, I kept thinking about Medium. I’ve always been a little wary about writing Medium because a good majority of the content I have personally read on here seemed to me like all of the writers are professionals.

I figure that while the work I have seen on here is amazing, everyone starts from somewhere. Like right now, I’m sitting down determined to write for 90 minutes starting on Medium and then writing out some pieces for Twitter.

I’m creative but now it’s really time to publish, get published, and master the art of written communication. I feel not ready but when will I ever be? This life journey has taught me that after you’ve practiced and gotten the basics down, like knowing how to string words together, the next thing to do is just pick a platform to write on, Word, Mac’s Pages, in a Google Doc, on paper, in the notes app on your phone. Pick one or all and go in.

I think my next piece will be about diving into sharpening this skill even when I don't think I’m ready. Hmm maybe not, maybe I’ll weave it in as a reference as I master the skill to remind myself that I did it.

Mindset is an incredible thing and that is also something I am in the process of sharpening. I plan to also speak about my journey as I learn from my experiences, other writers, and the world at large.

You know what’s funny, I started writing and according to my time, I’m 20 mins in. This feels good. The free-flowing ability to just express and string words together. I would like to become a writer who is able to bring interesting perspectives to topics regarding pursuing purpose, creating content, and building community.

If you read this, thank you, it took a lot and I’m glad you even made it this far because I low-key treated this entry like a journal. I’m at the 30-minute time. I’ll do another 30 on Twitter and 30 more in a journal. Till next time.

